November 21, 2024 1 Comment
So, here's the deal with the video updates for Fanta Productions.
I just went and tallied up the edited videos I have in my folders for Fanta Productions that I can post now. 1,351. This doesn't include the stuff I am editing, which goes back to 2018 (on day I will get caught up 😩).
In the past, I've always liked to balance the video updates throughout the categories I film videos for. So the process of choosing what to post can take a little time. And then I have to upload the video to C4S and Fanta since I post (most) videos on both platforms. I also have to make sure I have the model added to C4S's compliance section with a model release form so they know they worked with us and agreed to have their videos posted.
When I edit videos (at least prior to last year), I created the preview videos and screenshots at the time of editing, so I have to track those down on my computer. Sometimes doing a filename search with Windows 11 does not produce the results when I know there is a preview video with that filename. Words can't express how much I hate Windows 11 (upgraded computer last year). So I have to manually look for it and then upload that to both locations as well, along with the thumbnails for the videos. Plus, there's typing up the video descriptions. I try to be as detailed as possible about what's in the video in case someone is looking for something specific, but really, does anyone read that? I guess if there's a preview video, you base which clips you want from what you see in the preview.
With all that said, it's a little involved when it comes to posting an update, and if I did it more often, it would probably be a faster process. I am going to work on posting a lot of updates the rest of the year (and hopefully continuing into next year). I am not going to worry so much about what 'category' they fall in. For the sake of getting as much content up, I'm going to start picking stuff and make the video description fairly basic since the tags here can lead you to more videos of that type.
December 02, 2024
I’m standing by waiting for any pantyhose cranking or stuck vids. Boo to shoes haha. You can charge me premium if you’re in them. ;)